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BEC Plus アフタースクール プログラムについての保護者の声をご覧ください。
See what our parents have to say about the BEC Plus After School Program:
Hana Nakagawa, student mother.
“I have tried a lot of similar schools for my son and BEC English school is the most effective. I was shocked with seeing
they spoke English fluently."
Eri Sato
"My son has been learning English in BEC for over a year and he can already speak good English now. When I hear his English, its as if he speaks like an American. The staff are very kind."
Yuki Sasaki
「こどもに英語を習わせたいと思っている人には、BEC English schoolをお勧めします。その理由は話せる英語が身に付くからです。」
"I would recommend BEC English school for anyone who wants their son or daughter to learn English. This is because they gain English that they can use to communicate."
Satomi Ikeda
「BEC English schoolについてはいくら言っても足りません。 彼らは私たちの娘が上手な英語を話すのを本当に助けてくれました。」
“I can't say enough about BEC English school. Thanks to the staff at BEC, my daughter can use English well.
They have really helped our daughter to speak good English.”
Moe Kondo
「BECで2年間英語を学んだ後、娘はほぼ流暢に英語を話すことができるようになりました。 実は、入校するときお子様は英語が話せるようになると言われたのですが半信半疑でした。でもそれは本当でした。とてもお勧めします。」
“After learning English at BEC for 2 years, our daughter can speak English almost fluently. In fact, at first I doubted that BEC says that your child will be able to speak English. But now I have realized it is true.
I recommend it very much.”
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